Meanwhile, In The Netherlands

Now that Rolf Hartogs and his Smith Special are back home in the Netherlands, he’s had some time to sit down and play it with his own amp. You make the guitar sound great Rolf! Thanks for the note and the clips.

Saturday Night Shuffle

Hi TK,

Here are two video’s I’ve put on Youtube.

I really like the sound of the pickups, very, very clear!!!! And I really like the way all three settings sound different, but the volumes are still in balance with each other.

The neck pickup has less output than your rail pickup on my telecaster but I set the rail pickup also a lot closer to the strings. But the CAR pickup is a lot clearer. I can’t compare the pickups to anything else, I just think they really sound fabulous very dynamic and great response.

I can’t tell you how happy I am with the guitar, I’m playing every day again, the fun in playing has returned, thanks for that!

Cheers and say hi to Jill!



Rolf’s Smith Special

TK SMith

Guitarist, Rolf Hartogs, from the Netherlands made the long journey to the Mojave desert this week to pick up his custom ordered Smith Special. It was an honor making #002 for Rolf. As soon as he found out we were working on our own model, he jumped in whole heartedly. Its a pleasure meeting a customer in person and having a chance to show, talk about and play the guitar together. Here are a few photos and the specs. We’ll post a video soon.

TK Smith

TK Smith

TK Smith

TK Smith

TK Smith

TK Smith

TK Smith

Monthly Motivation: Arv Garrison

TK Smith

I first heard the name Arv Garrison 20+ years ago when I got copy of Earle Spencer’s ‘’Five Guitars in Flight’’ on 78. He’s also one of the guitarists on the live recording here, featured on Monthly Motivation a few months back.

Recently a friend sent a YouTube link of two recordings, ‘’Tonsillectomy’’ below, and ‘’These Foolish Things’’. Both tracks are recorded in Hollywood during the mid forties with bassist and wife, Vivian Garry. Arv’s another one of those players I never get tired of listening to.

Instrumental in Minute No. 1

First in a series of 15 second guitar instrumentals. (not sure if I’ll do another one) Using a C.A.R. pickup, neck position plugged into a Gibson EH-185 amp.

When I sit down with my guitar, most of the time I choose a chord structure and try to figure out something interesting to play over it. The chord structure is usually different and most of the time I forget the riff or chop I’ve worked out a day or two later. I figure this is a good way to save them. The 15second time limit is nice because I usually can make it through in one or two takes without playing that many clams and it doesn’t waste too much of my or the viewers time.

The chords progression on this one is a 2, 5 intro then /A/E aug/A/E aug/A/F #7/B E/A/  then noodling in A, the ending chord is an A9b5.

CCII Installation for JD McPherson

JD McPherson’s New #1

May 5, 2014

Broken Arrow’s own JD McPherson has been tearing up the road with some great vintage tones for a while now.  We recently had the privilege of installing some custom parts from TK Smith for JD on a brand new tele including an inlaid pickguard and a Charlie Christian pickup.  TK did a great job with the parts and JD came to us to have them installed.  After the new parts were installed, we did a full setup to deal with some playability issues.  JD took it out on the road and after talking with him this morning he says this Tele is his new number 1!  Thanks JD.

Check out for some really cool custom parts and guitars.

Catch JD this Friday, May 9th in OKC at the Performance Lab

Guitar Technical Service Custom Guitar Repair Tulsa JD McPherson Tele Charlie Christian

The original pickup and guard.

TK Smith

Original routing.

Tele routed for TK Smith CC Pickup

A big cavity for a big pickup!

TK Smith

Looking good!

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