Pat Capocci-Linda Lou

Got a note from Pat this week along with this clip, letting me know that he’s getting great results with my pickups in the “out of phase” position. Its been a few months since we modified his Tele. Glad to hear it’s working out:

“Hi Tk,

How are you? The pictures you’ve been posting of your necks on Instagram look amazing! I thought I’d send you this little clip, I’ve been using the “out of phase” setting a lot, its been great on the RnB stuff. I’ve been over the moon with the guitar lately, its really settled in feeling and sounding great! We posted one of the new cds over to you to TK, hope you dig it. Hope your well


“Hey Pat

Damn! Great playing. The guitar sounds great too. What amp and kind/gauge strings are you using? I’m really glad your digging it.


“Hi Tk,

Thanks for the kind words, its really feeling/sounding great! super stoked!
I just had it plugged straight into a 59 Bassman Reissue, and I’ve been using D’addario 10-50 flatwounds, but with a unwound/nickel G, same string set up as Dans using
Hope your well,


Gibson EH-150

TK Smith

TK was on his way to the shop the other day and out of the corner of his eye noticed a guy walking into a pawn shop. In the split second that he looked over, he could tell what the guy was carrying under an old canvas cover, a Gibson EH-150. The only part visible was the very bottom of the amp, but the curves were unmistakably familiar. A quick u-turn and moments later, Read The Rest

Wood Grain Concrete Planter

TK Smith

Fortunately, TK hasn’t had time to work on any fabrication other than guitars lately, so when the owner of the “It House” wanted one of our Concrete Planters, he was happy to oblige. Even though it snowed in the desert last night, we’re already thinking about Spring, warm weather and what we want to accomplish in the yard this year!

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