RIP Bodger


We lost our best friend this week. Here’s to Bodger 1994-2010


  • August 31, 2010 at 8:44 pm //

    We are so sorry to here about Bodger, she was such a great dog. She will be missed.

  • We’re so sad to hear about Bodger and we’re so sorry for your loss.
    What a wonderful tribute.
    Our condolences.

    MW & JW & mw

  • The Frisbee Queen will live on in our hearts forever. Thanks, Jill and T.K. for giving Bodger a terrific life. And thanks, Bodger, for all that you brought to Jill and T.K.


  • September 10, 2010 at 5:51 pm //

    T.K. & Jill, I am so sorry to hear the sad news. Bodger was such a special dog. She was awesome, and I know how much you must miss her. ..just know that she had a wonderful life with great parents who loved her and whom she loved so much… so loyal…so good.. take comfort in remembering all the goodness she brought.

    -sending you both Big Love and Big Hugs,