We’re the kind of people who always live in the midst of construction. We buy a fixer, because we wouldn’t think of buying new, we say we are never doing this again, and as soon as it’s complete, we sell and start over. So here we are, in year 5 at 7487 and although on the surface it looks pretty good, we still have a long way to go until it’s “done” in our minds. Moving forward, we will share before and after stories of what has changed to this point, and where we will take the house from here. It’s a 1960 long and low mid-century California ranch. TK as usual had good vision. I had a harder time seeing through the layers of 1980’s country floral covering up the simple design that the house was meant to exude. We have been peeling it back to it’s original design, while adding modern convenience. The screen above, on the front of the house, replaces a screen originally made of redwood, but unfortunately, it included wood that had rotted and had been painted many times. It had to come down. TK took scrap wood from the original screen, glued it together, cut out and created the shapes that you see, used a wire brush to get a wood grain texture and made a mold so that he could duplicate the pattern in concrete. He used square tubing to create the frame, welded on the concrete forms and attached 2×6 doug fir to give a vertical appearance to contrast with the horizontal lines of the house. You can view “before” photos and more detail in flickr. Many mid century homes have screens and allot of them have been damaged. TK can custom create or duplicate any screen in metal concrete or wood.