Big Sandy on Art Fein’s Poker Party 1990
Roadmaster Custom
I finished up this custom Roadmaster for Brian Saunders over the weekend. It’s a blast to play!
Also, I’m stocked up on all T-shirt sizes in black or grey. check them out here

Kay Progress

I sprayed the neck this afternoon. I got the neck color right on with the original finish on the body.
Also, we’re stocked up on all sizes of black and grey T-shirts.

Some progress on this Kay re-neck. For hardware it’s getting a single C.A.R. mounted at the bridge, volume and tone control, custom pickguard, aluminum nut and bridge and Bigsby B-6 vibrato.
MB Special

Here’s a recent customer photo of a Special I built a few years back. I really like this combo. The amp is a late 50’s Magnatone 280. When I first made it I posted it here.
Thanks for the picture Miles!