Monthly Motivation-Art Tatum Trio

Of all the bands I wish I could have seen live, the Art Tatum Trio with Tiny Grimes and Slam Stewart is at the top of my list. They were only around for a couple of years, ’43 to ’45. I really like the contrast of Tiny’s playing against Art Tatum’s insanely fast and accurate improvisations. It wouldn’t have been an easy job for any guitar player and I think what Tiny plays fits perfectly.

Here’s one from the  EP above that I found years ago.

Art Tatum Trio Topsy

And here’s some great footage of them playing 52nd street at the Three Deuces Club, N.Y.C. Hope you dig it as much as I do.

My friend Tommy Harkenrider has some great instructional videos on youtube including this one on Tiny Grimes chording.

The Chambered Maple Pancake Guitar

TK Smith

I used to work with a grouchy old timer who referred to all flat-type guitars as pancakes. So until I come up with a better name, I’m calling these pancakes.

 This is the first of two guitars that I’ve recently built, loosely based on Deke Dickerson’s ‘’Jodie Pilliod’’ guitar built by P.A. Bigsby.

Frank ordered his with a 24.625’’ scale and features my C.A.R. pickups, custom vibrato arm and vibrato.

 A few photos…

TK Smith

TK Smith Guitar

TK Smith

TK Smith

TK Smith

TK Smith

Sam Raver’s 1953 Kay Demo

Here’s a quick demo of Sam’s Kay. I’m really happy with the way my C.A.R. pickups sound mounted on this big archtop. The neck position has that hollow wooden tone that’s great for jazz and swing, and the middle position is nice and sparkly for Travis picking. But it’s the bridge position that I’m particularly drawn to, the problem is, I find it almost impossible to play anything other than Grady Martin licks, it’s almost like “instant Grady” on the bridge pickup.

You’ll have to excuse the old house wiring/amp hum.

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