Bill Frisell
A few months ago I had the pleasure of Bill Frisell stopping by the shop. We ended up having dinner at Pappy and Harriet’s and afterwards doing some picking at my house. Something I won’t soon forget. When he got home he ended up sending me one of his teles for a C.A.R. pickup and a new pick guard. The tele has a 24 3/4 scale neck by JW Black and the artwork on the body is by Terry Turrell.
Jan 20th Fretboard Journal posted a clip of Bill doing an instrumental version of Dylan’s ” A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall” He’s playing on the neck pickup going through a Strymon Flint pedal into a Gibson GA-50T amp. Enjoy….
CCII with Pole Pieces
Here’s a great clip of Tim Lerch demonstrating my CCII pole piece pickup on and Eastman ERO.
RoadMaster Prototype #1
I’ve been thinking about a new guitar model for a few years. One that more players can get their hands on, take on the road and use as a daily go-to guitar. Recently I finished the first two prototypes of what I’m calling the RoadMaster and I’m really happy with how they turned out.
There will be three versions of the RoadMaster to choose from. The one pictured, which is a chambered body with a sunburst finish, a chambered body with blonde finish and an ash solid body with white blonde finish. They will all feature a bolt on neck and my new Summertone™ pickups which will also be available separately and on our website soon. Prices for the RoadMaster will range from around $5000 – $6500. Final pricing TBD.
Since I made two prototypes to get the ball rolling. I’m selling the first one, pictured here, with a custom case for $7500. If interested, contact me at In the future, the case will be optional.
Just like the Smith Special, the RoadMaster is is completely Made in the USA. But unlike the Smith Special, there won’t be the option to customize this guitar other than if someone wants inlay in their pickguard. We will make that available in the standard shape pickguard at an additional cost.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions. We’ll have examples of all three versions of the RoadMaster soon. Availability news will go out to our mailing list first so if interested, sign up at the upper right of this page.
Matched Set
Building a custom matched set Smith Special guitar and mandolin was a first, and more fun than I could have imagined. Both the guitar and mandolin feature neck through semi-hollow construction. The guitar is 25.5″ scale and the mandolin 13 5/8″ scale, both have my C.A.R. pickups, cast aluminum hardware engraved by Dave Gibson, including my custom Smith vibrato arm, and matching custom inlayed pickguards.
This set will be headed off to their new owner soon but with the Fretboard Summit right around the corner, Oct. 14-16, I’m going to wait to ship them off. If you’re going to be at the Summit, I’ll have this matched set with me as well as something I’ve been working on for a long time that we’re really excited to share ; )
Please feel free to come up to myself or Jill anytime during the Summit and ask to come by our room to check them out. And this year on Sunday morning, I get the pleasure to play a few songs with one of my favorite players, Matt Munisteri.
Hope to see you there.