Koll Guitars

I’m pleased that master builder, Saul Koll, has included my pickups in a few of his builds. Below are a few photos of some of the recent ones that have been sold through Music Emporium on the East Coast.

TK Smith

TK Smith

TK Smith

TK Smith

TK Smith


TK Smith Summertone Pickup

Coleman Smith – Wild Fiddlers Rag

The guys in Texas who received the two mandolins that I posted pictures of last week just texted me this iPhone clip of Coleman Smith playing Wild Fiddlers Rag. It seemed like they were having a great time today with their new toys. It certainly made my day to see such a great player on the mandolin.

Atlas / Craftsman 6″ Metal Lathe

TK Smith, Atlas/Craftsman Lathe

Last week a friend brought me this really clean Craftsman model makers lathe. It belonged to his father who bought it new. For years I’ve been wanting one of these for small jobs.

Lone Star Two

TK Smith

I finished up two 5 string mandolins this week. They’re heading to Texas soon.

They are 13 3/4″ scale and both are within an oz. of 4 lbs. 13 oz.

TK Smith
TK Smith

TK Smith

TK Smith

TK Smith

TK Smith

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