Recent Customer Demos and Pictures

I really like this clip of Juan. If you close your eyes it sounds like an archtop. Open top CAR pickups through a Fender Champ amp.
Matt Codina on his new Roadmaster DeLuxe. I always get the urge to burn my guitars after hearing Matt pick, haha.

Roadmaster Deluxe

TK Smith electric guitars
My most recent Roadmaster for guitar ace Matt Codina.
Looking forward to hearing him pick on it, Check back, I’ll post the specs over the weekend.

Yuji Kamhigashi; CCII Polepiece Pickup Demo

Swing guitarist Yuji Kamhigashi put one of my CCII pickups, armrest, knobs and inlayed pickguards on one of his Telecasters recently. I really love his playing. If you haven’t already, check out his other videos on his youtube channel.

February Progress Picture

I Sprayed the sunburst on this Roadmaster DeLuxe over the weekend and final fit all the pieces for the custom Tele bodied guitar below. Not sure what to call it yet. It’s basically a Tele constructed Like a Bigsby with some Epiphone DeLuxe and a bit of my own touches, haha.

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