Matched Set
Building a custom matched set Smith Special guitar and mandolin was a first, and more fun than I could have imagined. Both the guitar and mandolin feature neck through semi-hollow construction. The guitar is 25.5″ scale and the mandolin 13 5/8″ scale, both have my C.A.R. pickups, cast aluminum hardware engraved by Dave Gibson, including my custom Smith vibrato arm, and matching custom inlayed pickguards.
This set will be headed off to their new owner soon but with the Fretboard Summit right around the corner, Oct. 14-16, I’m going to wait to ship them off. If you’re going to be at the Summit, I’ll have this matched set with me as well as something I’ve been working on for a long time that we’re really excited to share ; )
Please feel free to come up to myself or Jill anytime during the Summit and ask to come by our room to check them out. And this year on Sunday morning, I get the pleasure to play a few songs with one of my favorite players, Matt Munisteri.
Hope to see you there.